Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Thailand issued a letter to the Special Rapporteurs of UN explains that The Film and Video Act of 2008 restricts the exercise of freedom of expression only where it threatens to national security and public order. It by no means undermines the right to freedom of expression of the general Thai public. Thai press enjoys a high degree of freedom.
The exercise of the right to freedom of expression carries with it special duties and resposibilities, and is therefore subject to certain restrictions. The protection of National Security or of public order constitues a valid ground for such restrictions. This provision forms the basis for Article 26(7) of the Film and Video Act of 2008. The banning order was necessary because the movie's content could potentially cause disunity in the society and therefore pose a threat to national security. The order was issued by the commitees who are experts from both public and private sectors. As such the banning order and the Film and Video Act fully comply with the international norms and standards.
5 July 2017
The plaintiff appeared before the Administrative Court for the first trial. The plaintiff delivered the closing statement verbally to the Court.
Published on
Shakespeare Must Die website, the statement is summarized as, I had to unwillingly fight for what was right. Though I knew that fighting against the ones who had authority over Thai film industry was something that no film director would want to do. It’s a case of just a handful of big-shots with so much power against ordinary people with nothing to deal with.
In practice, the proceedings of the National Film and Video Board were not justified and fair. They could shorten and speed up the process as they wished. The process was interfered by political pressure. During the news briefing of Boundary film banning, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture clearly declared by herself but later the ban order was overruled. I could not happened unless that person to do so was more powerful than the Permanent Secretary.
Allowing Shakespeare Must Die to be released may have had affected the politicians at the time. It was due to the fact that the story reflected the fate of the corrupt leader. It was the classic story written by an English poet over 400 years ago. This led me to conclude without a doubt that the proceedings were being interfered by the political figures of that time.
In Thailand other media professions have rights according to their practice of professions and freedom of expression. But this excludes the film industry. Thai film producers have no rights and honors. And this has a negative impact for supporting the film industry as a creative industry. It influences Thai film producers to be less confident in their profession and their investment. As long as the 7 anonymous people in a dark room have power to decide the faith of a film that a producer has invested time, money, and courage for years, there will be no creativity and investor confidence. Film producers have no confidence and protection according to legal rights like other professions.
As of now, investors are discouraged to invest in “different” films from what they have seen or films that represent new thoughts. It also discourages film producers to think and be creative. It is a major factor that makes Thai film industry be “going round in circles”, because they only have nonsense materials. They cannot investigate problems and dark side of Thailand. They cannot touch on their own history and bring out inspirations.
Arts, including films, which are born from restrictions and controlled by the authority, is dead arts. It is a truth and people can feel that dead arts cannot sell because it does not touch people’s feelings. It does not lead to creative discussions and critical thinking. Bad arts do not inspire their audience.
Without freedom, arts do not exist. A controlled artwork is a dead art that cannot sell.
Instead of banning films that the Board sees as being harmful and create disunity, they should give a chance to films that reflect their own genres. If the authority believes in people and have the courage, then Thai audience can experience different views. It is a development for democracy in Thailand. If thought can be banned, we will never understand one another.
I did not create a Shakespearian film because it was elegant or I was mad about western cultures. The interpretation of Shakespearian stories is full of challenge. It is not something that anyone can just do it because they want to insult politicians. Shakespeare was a world famous poet. His work was a cultural heritage. I question why Thai people cannot embrace this heritage. It is a heritage that people around the world cherish for many centuries. How many times Thai film producers can create Shakespearian film? This could be the first and the last.
Thai authority perceives media and artwork as propaganda and as a tool to control society. The authority believes that people can be good by imposing social control. It is a reason why the Board decided that my adaptation of Macbeth “having content which undermines or is contrary to public order or good morals, or may affect the security and dignity of Thailand”, and “committing any act which may cause disunity in society”. They do not understand that we can learn from bad examples – a man, who is supposed to be good, loses everything due to his excess greed and ambition.
Thailand loses its touch because we have chained and imprisoned our imagination. A nation that has no freedom of expression for their national films, a nation will never be free.
The Administrative Court scheduled to read the verdict. The Court dismissed the case and affirmed the order to ban 'Shakespear Must Die'.