- Important case
- Cases, Other cases, Public Assembly Act
Political rally of the people who want an election at BACC #MBK39 (case of participants)
Case Status
Case Started
Complainant / Plaintiff
Table of Content
On 27 January 2018, a group of people gathered at the sky walk in front of the BACC to protest against the case where the NLA passed the Election Act with a provision that will made the election delay for another 90 days
During the activity, the authority did not used force to crack down the protest but later 30 individuals that the authorities believed to be protesters were informed of 2 accusations including defied order of head of NCPO no.3/2015 by taking part in a political gathering of 5 people and above and for assembled in a restrict area under section 7 of the public assembly act
On 8 Fevruary 2018, 29 person accused went to meet with inquiry officials at Patumwan Police Station to acknowedge their accusations. All of them except Nopporn pleaded no guilty. After procedure at the Patumwan Police Station was concluded police told all 29 person accused to meet at Patumwan Municipal Court to continue with case procedure.
At the court, the 28 person accused wh pleaded no guilty to the police were release without bail bond and were told to report once the prosecutor summon them. As for Nopporn who pleaded guilty to the police he had pleaded guilty to the court again. The court inform him to hear a verdict on 8 March 2018.
Apart from these 29 person accused, Noppakao another person accused in this case had report himself to the police prior to 8 February 2018. Noppakao pleaded guilty to the police and to the court. The Patumwan Municipal court then scheduled to render a verdict on 8 March 2018.
On 8 March 2019, the Patumwan Municipal Court found Nopporn and Noppakao guilty under Public Assembly Act. They were sentenced to 6 day in prison and fined in the sum of 3000 Baht. Their prison sentence was suspended for a year.
On 9 March 2019, prosecutor of the case has a nonprosecution order against other 28 person accused on the ground that the prosecution of this case has no interest to the public. The non prosecution order was not final as it was subject to be review by Attroney General.
Started from 19 April 2018 which was the first time that all 28 person accused were set to hear case order from the Attroney General until 19 November 2019 where the Thai Lawyer for Human Right who represent the 28 had been informed by the presocutor that the prosecutor and the police had non prosecution order over the case, the accused person had to go to report to the prosecutor to acknowledge the postponement of the rendering of case order at least 11 times.