Eight Administrators of the Facebook page ‘We love General Prayuth’

Latest Update: 05/11/2022


No information

Case Status

On trial in Court of First Instance

Case Started


Complainant / Plaintiff

No information

Table of Content

In the morning of 27 April 2016, 8 person who were accused in this case along with another individual who wasn't charge in this case were arrested in different locations but at the same time.

After the arrest, the military brought all individuals to detain in a military camp. However, Nithi a manager of Harit's ramen restuarant was release in the same night without charge.

8 individuals were held in a military camp for a night before the military brought them to the Crime Suppression Division in the evening of 28 April 2016 for press conference. 8 individuals along with another individual who was not arrest were accused under section 116 of the Criminal Code and offense under Computer-related Crime Act for making facebook page titled "We love General Prayuth"

On 29 April 2016, the police file a petition for pre-trial detention before the Military Court to held 8 individuals in custody for 12 days. All of them were remanded at the Bangkok Remand Prison and at Central Women Correctional Institution becase the military court dismissed their bail petition on the ground that the circumstance of case was severe.

On 10 May 2016, the Military Court released all 8 accused persons on bail with 200,000 Baht deposit for each. The court also set condition to prohibit all of them from traveling aborad.

Current'y, a case file was with the prosecutor. All 8 accused persons will have to meet with the prosecutor to listen to the order on 22 July 2016       

Defendant Background


Article 14 (1) Computer Related Crime Act, Article 14 (2) Computer Related Crime Act, Article 14 (3) Computer Related Crime Act, Article 116 Criminal Code


Circumstance of Arrest

Trial Observation

Black Case



Bangkok military Court

Additional Info



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