- Cases, Public Assembly Act
Yeamyod : Defying NCPO order
Case Status
Case Started
Complainant / Plaintiff
Table of Content
Yeamyod was arrested because he defied NCPO for not reporting in time. The court sentenced him to 6 months in prison and suspended the penalty.
Defendant Background
Yeamyod is the former government teacher. He, on behalf of the National Thai Teachers Union, joined the movement for a long time with Suchon Chaleekrua, the former Senate Speaker. After the crackdown of the red-shirt on April-May 2010 Yeamyod was one of the accused for violating Emergency Decree together with many red-shirt leaders.
During year 2012, Yeamyod protested requesting for release of the political prisoners as well as the cases relating to Article 112, and to ify the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2550 (2007). He was the leader of the 20 Northeastern Provinces People’s Union for Democracy who processed to gather the signatures of 65,400 people to submit the request for amendment of the Section 291 of the constitution.
Violating the NCPO’s order No. 40/2557 not reporting himself