- Cases, Computer Crime Act, Section 112
Latest Update: 16/08/2019
Case Status
Under investigation
Case Started
Complainant / Plaintiff
No information
Table of Content
Apichart joined a protest against the coup in front of the Bangkok Art and Cultural Center on 23 May 2014. He was the first person who was arrested and charged with violating the NCPO's announcement no. 7/2557, phohibiting on political garthering more than 5 persons.
During the investigation, the military searched his mobile phone and found that he posted some messages that seems to violate the lese majeste law.
Later the court denied the request for his futhuer detention.
Defendant Background
Apichat is currently an officer of Law Reform Commission and pursuing Master’s Degree at Thammasat University. He is a former consultant of the Senate’s Sub-Committee on Children and Youth and served as a Chairman of the Children and Youth Council of Thailand. He has delved into the field of Laws since high school and participated in various political activities including political gatherings and political seminars.
On behalf of the Children and Youth Council of Thailand, Apichat has contributed to a number of public service. He also played an important role in pushing forward the draft of regulations of the Children and Youth Council of Thailand as well as in amending many laws once he served as a committee. In 2013, he founded Siam Youth Institute, in which Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal serves as a Deputy of Chairman and Sulak Sivarak as Chairman of consultants. He additionally regularly composes articles related to pro-democracy, socialism, and criticizing the monarchy with the aim that the institution will be more transparent and verifiable.
Article 14 (3) Computer Related Crime Act, Article 112 Criminal Code
On May 23, 2014, in front of the Bangkok Art and Cultural Center, Apichat peacefully protested by raising a sign written remarks against the coup d’état. On that day, many dissidents gathered and expressed their defiance against the junta by holding signs, crossing black tape across their mouths, as well as lightening candles and sit in the shape of peace symbol.
He was also accused of violating Article 112 of the Criminal code by posting messages on his Facebook account.
Circumstance of Arrest
Apichat was arrested by military officials after participating in political activity against the coup d’état. He was the first person who was arrested because expressing his political opinion in public since the coup.
Trial Observation
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Black Case
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the Bangkok South Criminal Court
Additional Info
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No information
30 May 2014
The investigatory officials took Apichart to Bangkok South Criminal Coort to filed a detention request for additional 12 days, from 30 May until 10 June. They claimed that their investigation had not been yet completed and they needed to question an additional 10 persons as well as waited for the results of the fingerprint examination.
Apichat submitted a request for bail with Parinya Thewanaruemitkun, a Law lecturer from Thammasat University, using his position as guaranty. The investigatory officials opposed bail, and argued that Apichat faced a severe sentence so that he might flee if granted release. The Court sees that the relationship between Apichat and the guarantor was not a relatives or close commander. The bailed was denied.
After that, Apichart was detained at Bangkok Remand Prison.
24 June 2014
The Bangkok South Criminal Court denied the request from the inquiry officer for furthur detention. Apichart is now released
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