- Cases, Section 112
Aum Neko
Latest Update: 02/12/2016
Aum Neko
Case Status
Under investigation
Case Started
Complainant / Plaintiff
No information
Table of Content
The owner of TV program brocasted on cable TV filed a complain against Aum Neko, Thammasat University Student under lese majesty crime. She also presented record of Aum's interview and message on Aum's personal facebook to the police as an evidences.
Defendant Background
Aum Neko is a student of Thammasat University. Aum involve in activities that challenge custom and value of the Thai society such as made a controversial poster to campaign against the student unifom. Aum's activities provoke a controversy in social media. Some condemed against Aum strongly while others gave Aum support.
Article 112 Criminal Code
Aum was accuse to committed a violation against the article 112 of the criminal code while gave an interview with Miss Porntippa, host of the show call "The best of your life" broadcasted via cable TV. The prosecutor also accused Aum for committed the same offenses by post a message on her personal facebook account "Aum Neko"
Circumstance of Arrest
No information
Trial Observation
No information
Black Case
No information
No information
Additional Info
No information
No information
16 September 2013
Miss Porntipa Supattanukul, host of the show "the best of your life" broadcasted via cable tv went to filed a complaint against Aum Neko before the police officer at the Crime Supression Division. Porntipa told the police officer that whlie she conducted the interview with the student at Thammasat University regarding the political situation that effected life of the student. During the interview Aum mentioned about the monarchy in a negative manner. Apart from gave an inappropriate interview. Aum also persuade other student to committed the same violation. Porntipa therefore inform the allegation to the police.
After the case was report. The police inform Porntipa that since the violation done by posting message in the website. Porntipa should report the case to the Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD.) as the crime involve with computer system is under its jurisdiction.
17 September 2013
Pol.Maj.Gen. Pisit Paoin commander of the Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD.) reveal about progress of the investigation on Aum's case that having informed about Aum's case by Porntipa on 16 September.
The TCSD is now setting up a committe to investigate the case, if the case
is well-grounded the TCSD will call Aum to inform about the charge and proceed with further legal procedure.
No information