- Cases, Section 112
Somsak Jeamteerasakul
Case Status
Case Started
Complainant / Plaintiff
Table of Content
A history scholar has published on his own facebook profile an open letter addressing and criticizing Princess Chulabhorn's interview on TV. Consequently, he was followed by the soldiers and got summoned for inquiry.
Defendant Background
The specific cause of 112 accusation against Assist. Prof. Somsak has not been made public yet but Somsak said on 11 May 2011 that it is because of his two open letters to Princess Chulabhorn Walailak, the youngest daughter of King Bhumibol after she gave interview on public TV programme and talked about political conflict in Thailand.
Somsak faced threat after he posted his two open letters to Princess Chulabhorn on his Facebook page, the intimidation against Somsak and his wife was increasingly frightening and he eventually received summon which was filed by military.
After Princess Chulabhorn Walailak appeared on state-owned TV chanel and gave interview about political situation, Assist. Prof. Somsak wrote two open letters criticising the princess for, talking about the sorrow of the king and the queen when both of them saw protesters burnt down Bangkok after May 2010 military crackdown but not mentioning in her interview about the deaths of anti-government protesters.