Report on the Exercise of Power under Section 44 of the Interim Constitution of Thailand

Report on the Exercise of Power under Section 44 of the Interim Constitution of Thailand

Section 44 of the Interim Constitution of 2014 (the “Interim Constitution”), which was promulgated by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) on 22nd May 2014, has been heavily criticized for its dictatorial nature and the absolute power solely consolidated into the Head of the NCPO.  
Pornthip: A Theater Group, A Dream

Pornthip: A Theater Group, A Dream

“The matter of the law came up before the performance. We talked about it together backstage before we went on, too. We thought it was similar to the folkloric dramas shown in the morning on television. These dramas also contain stories of the lords. We thought that there was no chance that prosecutions would arise from the performance of a play.