Click the names for more details
Latest update 22 July 2018

Information of cases of individuals politically charged since 22 May 2014 coup d’etat


List of individuals charged with
Article 112 of the Criminal Code (lèse majesté)

No.Case nameCause of accusationCourtDate of arrestCurrent status
1.Apichart*He was arrested and the authorities found illegal items in his phone Bangkok South
Criminal Court
23 May 
Released. Court dismissed a provisional
detention request. The case is under investigation. 
2. Sgt.Prasit Chaisisa Gave a speech on UDD stage at Imperial Ladprao  Criminal Court25 May 2014Sentenced for 5 years, reduced to 2 years 6 months.
Released with Royal Pardon in March 2016
3. “Somsak
Published an article wrote by Gilles Ungphakorn
on Thai e-news website
Military Court
25 May 2014Sentenced for 9 years, reduced to 4 years 6 months.
Released with Royal Pardon in Jan 2016 
4.YuthasakA taxi driver who talked with a passenger about politic Criminal Court2 Jun 2014Sentenced for 5 years, reduced to 2 years 6 months. 
Released on 20 May 2016
5.ChaliawUploaded audio files of ‘Bunpodj’ program on 4ShareCriminal Court3 Jun 2014The Supreme Court sentenced for 5 years,

reduced to 2 years 6 months. Detained at Bangkok Remand Prison

6.KathawutConducted political radio program on internetBangkok
Military Court
3 Jun 2014Sentenced for 10 years, reduced to 5 years.
Release with Royal Pardon on 7 September 2016
7.Sombat BoonNgamAnongPosted a picture on FacebookRoi-ed Provincial
5 Jun 2014Got bail. The case is under investigation process.
8.Thanat (Tom Dundee)* Gave a speech on UDD stage and posted a video on YouTube Bangkok
Military Court
9 Jun 2014Sentenced 2 cases together 10 year 10 months.
9.AkaradejPosted a message on personal FacebookCriminal Court18 Jun 
Sentenced for 5 years, reduced to 2 years
6 months released on 23 June 2016
10.Sirapop*Posted message and poem on Facebook and blogBangkok
Military Court
25 Jun 
Bail denied and Detained 
Bangkok Remand Prison
11.“Tanet”Sent an email with a link to a political blog (mental disorder)Criminal Court2 Jul 2014Sentenced for 5 years, reduced to 3 years
4 months.
Released on 26 September 2016
12.SamakDestroy King’s portrait (mental disorder)Chiang Rai 
Military Court
9 Jul 2014Sentenced for 10 years, reduced to 5 years.
Released on April 2017
13-14.Pativat, PornthipPerformed “The Wolf Bride” play in an event to
commemorate the 40th Anniversary of
the 14 October 1973 incident
Criminal Court14 Aug 2014Sentenced for 5 years, reduced to 2 years
6 months.
Released in August 2016.
15.OpasWrote on toilet wall (2 cases)Bangkok
Military Court
15 Oct 2014Sentenced for 3 years, 
reduced to 1 year and 6 months in both cases.
Released in August 2016
16.“Kawee”Uploaded clips on YoutubeCriminal Court13 Nov 2014Released before submitted to the court.
17-19.Jaruwan, Anon,
Posted messages on FacebookBangkok
Military Court
16 Nov 2014
(first arrest)
Released after detained for 84 days.
Later, military prosecutor issued a non-prosecution order.
20.BanditShared his opinion at a seminar
(mental disorder)
Military Court
26 Nov 2014Got bail with 400,000 baht.
The case is under trial.
21.AreePosted a picture wearing 
black suits on Facebook
Khon Kaen Military Court 8 Dec 2014 Sentenced to 1 years 6 months.
Released on August 2016.
22.PiyaPosted messages on FacebookCriminal Court11 Dec 2014Sentenced for 9 years, reduced to 6 years.
Second case sentenced to 8 years. Total 14 years.
23.TiansuthamPosted 5 messages on Facebook named ‘Yai Dangdued’Bangkok
Military Court
18 Dec 2014Sentenced for 50 years, reduced to 25 years.
24.PongsakPosted 6 messages on Facebook named “Sam Parr”Bangkok
Military Court
30 Dec 2014Sentenced for 60 years, reduced to 30 years.
25.ChayoChat with Pongsak via Facebook messengerSaKaeo 
Military Court
6 Jan 
Sentenced for 18 years, reduced to 9 years.
26.UnchanUploaded Banpodj’s audio clips on Youtube
and shared on her Facebook.
Military Court
25 Jan 2015Denied Bail and detained
at Central Women’s Correctional Institution.
27.TaraPosted links to “Banpodj’s audio clip on his websiteBangkok
Military Court
25 Jan 2015Denied Bail and detained
at Bangkok Remand Prison 
28-37.Hassadin and 9 othersProduced and Shared ‘Bunpodj’ audio clip.

Two were charged as supporters.

Military Court
25 Jan 2015
(first arrest)
8 persons sentenced for 10 years, reduced to 5 years.
2 persons sentenced for 6 years, reduced to 3 years.
38-39.“Taweesin, Kwanjai”Produced and Shared ‘Bunpodj’ audio clip.Bangkok
Military Court
25 Jan 2015
(first arrest)
Sentenced for 10 years, reduced to 5 years
40.NirandDisseminated fake Royal statement
on ASTV manger online
Military Court
3 Feb 2015Sentenced for 5 years, reduced to 2 years 
6 months. Penalty suspended.
41.“Ness”Disseminated fake Royal statement Bangkok
Military Court
3 Feb 2015Sentenced for 5 years, reduced to 2 years
6 months. Penalty suspended.
42.PrachakchaiSubmitted a request to relieve political position (mental disorder)Bangkok
Military Court
19 Feb 2015Got bail with 100,000 baht. The case is under trial. 
43.SirilukPosted messages on FacebookChiang Rai
Military Court
Got bail.
44.ThitiPosted a picture on Facebook.Sakon Nakorn
Provincial Court
25 Feb 2015Released. Case dismissed.
45.ThamrongsakPosted messages on Facebook24 Apr
No information
46.SasivimolPosted 7 messages on Facebook Chiang Mai
Military Court
13 Feb 2015Sentenced for 56 years, reduced to 28 years.
47.ChayapaPosted a rumor of countercoup on Facebook with a lese majeste messageBangkok
Military Court
24 Jun
Sentenced for 7 years and 30 months.
48.SaoSubmitted a complaint to the Supreme Court’s
Criminal Division for Person Holding Political Positions (mental disorder)
Military Court
28 May 2015Got bail with 400,000 baht 
49.ThanitsakProduced and Shared ‘Bunpodj’ audio clip.Bangkok
Military Court
25 Apr
Sentenced to 8 years but reduced to 4 years. Released on 30 January 2017
50.NatthidaPosted messages on Line applicationBangkok
Military Court
17 Mar 2015Denied bail and detained
at Central Women’s Correctional Institution.
51.Chamnan Bangkok
Military Court
 Detained at Bangkok Remand Prison
52-53.Chatchai, SansernSubmitted a document, claiming from sacred item,
to Khon Khaen governor. (mental disorder)
Khon Khaen
Military Court
23 Jul 
Got bail with 300,000 baht
Prosecutor issued a non prosecution order
54-58.Plot to disrupt ‘Bike for Dad’ case Talked to each other when they were in prison.Khon Kaen
Military Court
21 Nov 2015 
(first arrest)
Bail denied and detained at Khon Kaen Prison.
59.NattapolSent messages via Line applicationKhon Kaen
Military Court
23 Nov 2015Bail denied and detained at Khon Kaen Prison.
60.Thanakorn*Liked some pictures on Facebook and posted a sarcastic Facebook status about the King’s dog. Bangkok
Military Court
10 Dec 2015 Got bailed with 500,000 baht
61.Wichaifaked facebook and posted message to defame the kingBangkok
Military Court
22 Dec 
Sentenced to 30 years and 60 months 
62.Ruechaposted pictures deemed to be defamation
against the queen and the heir apparent 
(mental disorder)
Military Court
29 Mar 
Got bail with 400,000 baht
Case disposed due to the defendant’s health
63.BurinSent messages in Facebook chat boxBangkok
Military Court
29 Apr 
Sentenced to 10 years and 16 months
(Ja New’s mother)
Sent messages in Facebook chat boxBangkok 
Military Court
6 May 2016Got bailed with 500,000 baht
65-66.Harit, NuttikaSent messages in Facebook chat boxBangkok
Military Court
27 Apr 2016Got bail with 500,000 baht
67“Roj”Posted messages on Facebook (mental disorder)Saraburi 
Military Court
 Sentenced to 4 years in prison
68.“Anan”Talked about Princess SirindhornThanyaburi
Provincial Court
 Court of Appeal dismissed the case
69.“Buppha”Posted messages on Facebook (mental disorder)Chonburi 
Military Court
May 2016Got bail with 400,000 baht
70.SaravutPosted a picture on Facebook deemed to
insult the heir apparent
Chiang Rai
Military Court
26 Aug 2016Got bail with 100,000 baht
71.SuteePosted messages on Facebook during the
bad news period
Provincial Court
13 Oct 2016No Information
72.SunthornPosted message on Facebook 14 Oct 2016Got bail with 500,000 baht
73.‘K’Posted messages on Facebook during the bad news periodChonburi 
19 Oct 2016112 charge dismissed but sentenced under
CCA for 8 months. 
74.Nurahayateeposted something on FacebookYala Provincial
 Sentenced to 1 year and 6 months
Got bail during appeal process
75AmornchotesinghHad a quarrel in public after wore a pink shirt
to a department store
Thonburi Criminal
24 Oct 2016Prosecutor issued a non prosecution order
76.NuttapatDistributed information via community radioThonburi Criminal
14 Nov 2016No information
77.JatupatShared a report from BBC Thai websiteKhon Kaen
3 Dec 2016Sentenced to 2 years and 6 months
Released on May 2019
78.SuriyasakSent a message to a group in Line applicationBangkok
Military Court
18 Mar 2017Detained at Bangkok Remand Prison
79.Prawate*Posted 13 messages on FacebookCriminal Court29 Apr 2017Sentenced to 16 months. Lese majeste charge dismissed
80.Danai*Posted a message on FacebookCriminal Court29 Apr 2017Released after detained for 84 days 
81.WannachaiShared a status from Somsak Jeamteerasakul’s
Facebook account
Criminal Court29 Apr 2017Released after detained for 84 days 
82.‘Roongroj’Shared a status from Somsak Jeamteerasakul’s
Facebook account
Criminal Court29 Apr 2017Released after detained for 84 days 
83.‘Bunjong’Shared a status from Somsak Jeamteerasakul’s
Facebook account
Criminal Court29 Apr 2017Released after detained for 84 days
84.‘Sataporn’Shared a status from Somsak Jeamteerasakul’s
Facebook account
Criminal Court29 Apr 2017Released after detained for 84 days
85.EkkaritPosted a message on FacebookCriminal Court9 May 2017Sentenced for 8 years reduced to 4 years
86-96.11 YouthsBurned the PortraitsPhon
Provincial Court
17 May 2017 (First arrest) Two sentenced to 12 years and 6 months.
Others sentenced to prison under different period. 
Detained at Khon Kaen Prison
97.Sulak SivaraksaDiscussed about history of King NaresuanBangkok
Military Court
9 Oct 2017Military Prosecutor issued non prosecution order
98.SakanTalked to other prisoners while detained in 
Criminal Court12 Oct 2017Case dismissed
99.‘Sichon’Posted a false Royal remarkCriminal Court26 Sep
Got bail


List of individuals charged with
Referendum Act of 2016 Section 61

No.Case nameCause of accusationCourtDate of
Current status
1.JeerapanPosted message on Facebook criticizing
the draft charter of Constitution
 28 Apr 2016 No information
2-14.Distributed Vote No
Campaigning Pamphlets

(13 individuals)
Distributed Vote No Campaign pamphlet

at a market in Bangplee Community

Military Court
23 Jun 2016 Six Got bail. Seven did not apply, released by court.
15-19.Vote No Sticker at Banpong District
(5 individuals)
Carried anti-constitution materialsRatchaburi

Provincial Court

10 Jul 2016500 baht fine.
Referendum charged dismissed.
20.ChuwongPosted status Vote No to draft Constitution 15 Jul 2016No information
21.SamartDistributed ‘Vote No’ leaflets in Chiang MaiChiang Mai
Provincial Court
23 Jul 2016Case dismissed
22-34.Letters campaigning for
Referendum in Chiang Mai
Posted many letters to people in Lampang,
Lampoon and Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai
Military Court
23 Jul 2016
(first arrest)
Got bail with 100,000 baht each
35.WichanConvinced people not to cast their voteUbon Ratchathani

Provincial Court

26 Jul 2016Sentenced to 4 months and 20,000 baht fine with suspension
36.GoochartPosted a picture with the message criticizing 
the draft of Constitution
 28 Jul 2016Prosecutor issued a non-
prosecution order
37-38.Jatupat and WasinDistributed ‘Vote No’ documents in
Phu Khieo district market 
Phu Khieo
Provincial Court
6 Aug 2016500 baht fine.
Referendum charge dismissed.
39-41.Tearing Referendum ballot
(3 individuals)
Tore the Referendum ballot and shouted 

“Down with Dictatorship, Long Live Democracy”

Phra Khanong
Provincial Court
7 Aug 2016Sentenced to 4 months in prison with suspension.


List of individuals charged with
Defying NCPO announcement 7/2014 or Head of NCPO order 3/2015 No.12 (banning political gathering of more than 5 people)

No.Case nameCause of accusationCourtDate of
Current status
1.Apichat*Participated in anti-coup protest at BACCPathumwan
Municipal Court
23 May 2014Sentenced for 2 months in prison and 6,000 Baht fine. Prison sentence suspended
2. VeerayuthParticipated in anti-coup protest at BACCPathumwan
Municipal Court
23 May 2014Sentenced for 1 month in prison and 3,000 baht fine. Prison sentence suspended.
3-26.Khon Khaen Model (24 individuals)* Having a political meeting in an apartment Khon Khaen
Military Court
23 May 2014Some got bail. Some were denied bail.
27.PinyophabParticipated in anti-coup protest at McDonald’s in Ratchaprasong Bangkok
Military Court
25 May 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
28-31.4 Chiang Rai
Participated in anti-coup protest at McDonald’s in Chiang RaiChiang Rai
Military Court
25 May 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
32-34.3 Chiang Rai 
Participated in anti-coup protest at McDonald’s in Chiang Rai Chiang Rai
Military Court
25 May 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
35-38.4 Nontaburi
Participated in anti-coup protest at Nonthaburi Pier 26 May 2014Got bail. The case is under investigation.
39.SarawutHolding signs in Chiang Rai, requesting for the release of red shirt activists. Chiang Rai
Military Court
1 Jun 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
40-41.Panmanee, Sombat*Sprayed on military Humvee, and flatted
the tires during anti-coup protest at
Victory monument
Military Court
30 May 2014,
2 Jun 2014
Got bail. The case is under trial.
42.WoraphopParticipated in anti-coup protest at McDonald’s in RatchaprasongBangkok
Military Court
31 May 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
43.NattawutParticipated in anti-coup protest at McDonald’s in RatchaprasongBangkok
Military Court
31 May 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
44.SumetPosted message on facebook, urging people to raise 3 fingers gesture
at Fortune Tower 
Military Court
1 Jun 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
45.Chainarin*Holding anti-coup sign of A4 papers and read poems at Siam Paragon Bangkok
Military Court
3 Jun 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
46.SurasithParticipated in anti-coup protest at Siam Paragon and Victory MonumentBangkok

Military Court

8 Jun 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
47.AnurakPosted messages on Facebook urging people to protest against the coup, and posted a photo of him with 3 finger gesture. Bangkok
Military Court
9 Jun 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
48.NuengParticipated in anti-coup protest at Victory Monument. Bangkok
Military Court
19 Oct 2014Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 5,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
49-52.Resistant Citizen 
Organized ‘My Dear Election’ activity at BACCBangkok
Military Court
14 Feb 2015Got Bail. The case is under trial
recurPansak*Organized an activity ‘March for Justice’Bangkok
Military Court
26 Mar 2015Got bail with 70,000 baht.
53-59.Dao Din
student group
(7 persons)
Holding an anti-coup sign on the 1 year 
anniversary of 2014 coup.
Khon Kaen
Military Court
22 May 2015Case ended due to revocation 
of the order 
60-66.BACC student
group (7 persons)
Gathered at BACC for symbolic activity
on the 1 year anniversary of 2014 coup.
22 May 
Case ended due to revocation 
of the order 
Gathered at BACC for symbolic activity
on the 1 year anniversary of 2014 coup.
Military Court
22 May 
Case ended due to revocation 
of the order 
recurNew Democracy Movement* 
(14 persons)
Protested against the coup at Democracy MonumentBangkok
Military Court
26 Jun 2015Released. Court dismissed a provisional detention request. The case is under investigation
69.Baramee*Provided a shelter for new democracy movement activists.5 Aug 2015Released. The case is under investigation
70.Preecha*Gave flowers to Pansak,  the activist who was leading a ‘March for Justice’ activity. Bangkok  Military Court 25 Oct 2015 Sentenced for 3 months in prison and 4,000 baht fine.
Prison sentence suspended.
71-78.8 academicsDelivered a statement titled “Universities Are Not Military Camps”Chaing Mai
Military Court
11 Nov 2015 Military prosecutor issued non
prosecution order.
79-85.Rajabhakti Park activists 
(11 persons)
Took a train to examine the corruption scandal
at Ratchabhakti Park
Bangkok  Military Court 14 Dec 2015Released. Court dismissed
a provisional detention request.
86-108.Referendum Monitoring
Center, Udon Thani

(23 persons)
Joined an opening event of Referendum
Monitoring Center in Udon Thani Province 
Udon Thani
Military Court
19 Jun 2016Got bail with 10,000 Baht each.
Referendum Monitoring 
Center, Surin
(17 persons)
Joined an opening event of Referendum Monitoring Center in Surin Province19 Jun 2016
Referendum Monitoring 
Center, Nong Bua Lamphu
(15 persons)
Joined an opening event of Referendum
Monitoring Center in Nong Bua Lamphu
Udon Thani

Military Court

20 Jun 2016Got bail with 10,000 Baht each
Referendum Monitoring 
Center, Prae
(23 persons)
Joined an opening event of Referendum Monitoring Center in Prae Province20 Jun 2016
Referendum Monitoring 
Center, Ratchaburi
23 persons)
Joined an opening event of Referendum
Monitoring Center in Ratchaburi Province
20 Jun 2016
Referendum Monitoring 
Center, Sakon Nakorn
22 (persons)
Joined an opening event of Referendum
Monitoring Center in Sakon Nakorn Province
21 Jun 20162 attended an attitude adjustment to end
the charge. 20 sentenced to 1 year 15 days and 2,500 baht fine with suspension
New Democracy Movement
distributing leaflets
(13 persons)
Distributing leaflets on the draft constitution
demanding to vote ‘NO’ 
at Bang Plee Industrial Area
Bangkok  Military Court 23 Jun 20166 got bail, 7 did not request for bail but court dismissed a provisional
detention request. 
24 June, clean up
(7 persons)
Commemorate the revolution day
at Laksi monument 
Bangkok  Military Court 24 Jun 2016Released. Court dismissed
a provisional detention request.
Referendum Monitoring 
Center, Bangkok
(19 persons)
Joined an opening event of Referendum
Monitoring Center in Imperial Ladprao mall, 
4 Aug 2016
Starting Revolution Alliance for Democracy Party (15 persons)Had a secret meeting to found a Revolution
Alliance for Democracy Party which aim to 
change to ruling system
Bangkok  Military Court 13 Aug 2016
(first arrest)
Case ended due to revocation of the order 
‘Talk for Freedom’ activity (11 persons)Organized a ‘Talk for Freedom: Constitution
and E-sarn people’ in Khon Kaen University
31 Aug 2016Case ended due to revocation of the order 
Sirikan (Lawyer June)
and Suluck*
Joined an anti-coup protest with New
Democracy Movement
22 Oct 2016Released without bail.
271-275.Academic Forum is not
military camp.
Hold a sign said “academic forum is not
military camp” during international academic
conference on Thai studies
Chaing Mai
Municipal Court
21 Aug 2017Case ended due to revocation of the order 
276-283.We Walk, walk for friendshiporganized an activity aimed to walk from
Thammasrt University, Rangsit Campus
to Khon Kaen Province
31 Jan 2018Prosecutor issued non prosecution order
284-297.‘We Walk’ Doi devadhaMarched and hold signs to support ‘We Walk’
activity in Doi devadha village, Phayao
6 Feb 2018Prosecutor issued non prosecution order
298-303.People who want an election at BACC #MBK39 
(9 persons, 3 recur)
Organized a public rally call for election at skywalk in front of MBK centerBangkok South
Criminal Court
8 Feb 2018Court dismissed provision detention.
Released without condition.
304-332.People who want an election at BACC #MBK39 
(30 persons, 1 recur)
Participated in a public rally call for election
at skywalk in front of MBK center
Municipal Court
8 Feb 2018Released without bail.
333.People who want an election at Ratchadamnoen #RDN50
(7 persons, 6 recur)
Organized a public rally call for election at Ratchadamonen Rd., Democracy
Criminal Court22 Feb 2018Court dismissed provision detention for
6 persons, another got bail with
50,000 baht
334-355.People who want an election at Ratchadamnoen #RDN50
(42 persons, 20 recur)
Participated in a public rally call for election
at Ratchadamonen Rd., Democracy 
Dusit Municipal
22 Feb 2018Released without bail.
356-359.People who want an election in Pattaya #PTY12
(7 persons, 3 reucre)
Participated in a public rally call for election
in front of Central on Pattaya Beach. 
Municipal Court
12 Mar 2018Released without bail.
360-365.People who want an election in Chiang Mai #CMU06
(6 persons)
Participated in a public rally call for election
in front of Chiang Mai University. 
Chaing Mai
Municipal Court
21 Mar 2018Released without bail.
366-367.People who want an election at Army Headquater #Army57

(10 persons, 8 recur)

Organized a public rally call for election and marched from TU to Army HeadquaterCriminal Court11 Mar 2018Court dismissed provision detention.
Released without condition.
368-390.People who want an election at Army Headquater #ARMY57 (47 persons, 24 recur) Participated in a public rally call for election and marched from TU to Army Headquater Dusit Municipal
18 Apr 2018Released without bail.
391-398.Leaders of Phue Thai PartyOrganized a press conference on ‘4 year of government failure and NCPO leads to 
darkness and dangerous’
 21 May 2018Released without bail.
399-407.People who want an election on 4th year anniversary of coup
(21 persons, 12 reucr)
Organized a public rally call for election and marched from TU to government houseCriminal Court22 May 201815 got bail with 100,000 baht
5 released without bail.
408-421.People who want an election on 4th year anniversary of coup
 (41 persons, 27 reucr)
Participated in a public rally call for election and marched from TU to government house 7 June 2018Released without bail.


List of individuals charged with
Section 116 of the Criminal Code (Sedition of Incitement)

No.Case nameCause of accusationCourtDate of arrestCurrent Status
1.Chaturon Chaisang*Gave a speech to reporters at FCCT Bangkok 
Military Court
27 May 2014Got bail with 400,000 baht
2.ChatchawanReported about anti-coup protest with wrong dateChiang Mai
Military Court
1 Jun 2014Case dismissed.
3. Sombat
Posted messages on Facebook urging people to participate in anti-coup protest. Bangkok 
Military Court
5 Jun 2014Got bail with 600,000 baht
4-6.Aod, Thanormsri,
Hung a banner demanding
to separate to Lanna country
Chiang Rai
Military Court
15 Jun 2014Sentenced for 3 years
in prison and suspended
7-8.Sitthitad, WachiraDistributed leaflets against
NCPO at Democracy Monument
– 23 Nov 2014Got bail with 300,000 baht.
The case is under trial.
9.Pansak*Organized an activity ‘March for Justice’Bangkok 
Military Court
26 Mar 2015Got bail with 70,000 baht.
The case under trial.
10.Ponlawat*Distributed leaflets against NCPO
4 places in Rayong
27 Mar 2015Got bail with 70,000 baht.
The case under trial.
11.ChayapaPosted a rumor about a counter-coupBangkok 
Military Court
23 Jun 2015Sentenced for 7 years
and 30 months.
12-25.New Democracy Movement* (14 persons)Protested against the coup
at Democracy Monument
Military Court
26 Jun 2015Released. Court dismissed a provisional detention request. 
The case is under investigation
26.Baramee*Provided a shelter for new 
democracy movement activists.
5 Aug 2015Released. The case is
under investigation
27.RindaPosted a rumor about Gen. Prayuth transfered money to Singapore on FacebookBangkok 
Military Court
8 July 2015Military court disposed the case
Criminal Court dismissed.
28.Preecha*Gave flowers to Pansak, the activist who was leading a ‘March for Justice’ activity.Bangkok  Military Court 25 Oct 2015 This charge dismissed
29.‘Jam’Posted about the Rajabhakti Park corruption scandal on Facebook.Bangkok  Military Court 27 Nov 2015public prosecutor issued a non-prosecution order.
30.Thanakorn*Posted infographic about the Rajabhakti Park
corruption scandal on Facebook.
Bangkok  Military Court 10 Dec 2015Got bail with 500,000 baht
31.ThanetPosted a Facebook status
criticizing the NCPO.
Bangkok  Military Court 13 Dec 2015Got bail with 100,000 baht.
32-37.FahaiTVBroadcasted a TV programme with content deemed to be seditious18 Nov 2015Police issued a non-prosecution order
38.TeerawanTook a photo holding red bucket and Songkran poster with former PM picturesChiang Mai
Military Court
29 Mar 2016Got bail with 100,000 baht.
39-41.Sirinthorn and 2 othersDistributed red buckets from former PM 3 Apr 2016 
42-49.‘We love Gen. Prayuth’
Fan Page
 (8 persons)
Administered a Facebook Page called ‘We love Gen. Prayuth’ with mocking pictures against governmentBangkok  Military Court 27 Apr 2016Got bail with 200,000 baht each
50-65.Letters campaigning
before referendum 

(16 persons)
Sent lots of letters about draft constitution to people in Chiang Mai, Lampang, LamphoonChiang Mai
Military Court
23 Jul 2016
(first arrest)
Got bail with 100,000 baht each
66-67.Sirikan (Lawyer June) and Suluck* Joined an anti-coup protest with New Democracy Movement  22 Oct 2016Released without bail
68.AongartRead the statement of Dhammakaya Temple’s followers 16 Feb 2017Got bail
69.Phar Seksan  8 Mar 2017 
70.Phar Sanitwongfacebook on death in Dhammakaya TempleCriminal Court9 Mar 2017Sentenced to 12 months with
71.Prawate*Posted 13 messages on FacebookCriminal Court9 Apr 2017Sentenced to 16 months
Released on August 2018
72.Danai*Posted a message on FacebookCriminal Court29 Apr 2017Released after detained for 84 days 
73.Wattana MuangsukPosted a message on Facebook urging people
to give consolation Yingluck Shinawatra
Criminal Court1 Aug 2017 
74.Pravit RojanaphrukPosted a message on Facebook criticizing
the draft charter of Constitution and Gen. Prayuth
 8 Aug 2017Release without any conditions
75.Lieutenant JeabCriticized Gen.Prayuth on Facebook 13 Dec 2017Release without any conditions
76-82.People who want an election at BACC #MBK39 
(9 persons, 2 recur)
Organized a public rally call for election at skywalk in front of MBK centerBangkok South
Criminal Court
8 Feb 2018Court dismissed provision detention.
Released without condition.
83.People who want an election at Ratchadamnoen #RDN50
(7 persons, 6 recur)
Organized a public rally call for election at Ratchadamonen Rd., Democracy MonumentCriminal Court22 Feb 2018Court dismissed provision detention for 6 persons, another got bail with 50,000 baht
84-86.People who want an election at Army Headquater #Army57
(10 persons, 7 recur)
Organized a public rally call for election and marched from TU to Army HeadquaterCriminal Court11 Mar 2018Court dismissed provision detention.
Released without condition.
87.ChoosakOrganized a press conference on ‘4 year of 
government failure and NCPO leads to 
darkness and dangerous’
 21 May 2018Released without bail.
88-99.People who want an election on 4th year anniversary of coup (21 person, 9 recur) Organized a public rally call for election and marched from TU to government houseCriminal Court22 May 201815 got bail with 100,000 baht
5 released without bail.
Black T-shits for
Federation of Thailand
Posted balck T-shirts, a symbol of supporting
Thailand to be a Federation State
Criminal Court Some got bail. Some are detained
115.‘Sichon’*Posted a false Royal remarkCriminal Court26 Sep 2018Got bail.
116.SuteePosted messages on Facebook during the
bad news period 
Provincial Court
31 Jan 2019No information
117.ThanathornDrive to take activists from New Democracy Movement 6 April 2019Released without condition.


List of individuals charged with
Sanitation Act B.E. 2535 and other minor offences

No.Case nameCause of accusationResponsible authoritiesDate of arrestPenalty
1.Pansak*Distributed leaflets call for justice from red shirt crackdown in 2006 at BTS Mochit stationPol Maj Gen Amnuay
Nimmano and Police
from Bang Sue police station
31 Aug 20145,000 baht fine
2-4.3 Students
from Thai Student Center
for Democracy (TSCD)
Hung a banner to commemorate the 19 Sep 2006 coup at a flyover on Vibhavadi Rd.Police from Sutthisarn
police station
26 Sep 20141,000 baht fine
5-6.2 Chulalongkorn 
Hung a banner to commemorate the 19 Sep 2006 coup at a flyover in front of the university.Police from metropolitan
police bureau
27 Sep 20141,000 baht fine
7-9.Atchara and 2 othersNot held ID card during the event namely ‘Darkness’

organized to commemorate the 8th anniversary 
of suicidal of Nuamthong Praiwan

Police from Nanglerng
police station
31 Oct 2014100 baht fine.
10-13.4 activists from
Serichon Thailand 58 group
Organized a symbolic activity and distributed
T-shirts at Center One mall
Police from metropolitan
police station Phyathai
22 Feb 2015100 baht fine for public disturbance
14.Ponlawat*Distributed leaflets against NCPO 4 places in RayongPolice from Muang
Rayong police station 
27 Mar 2015500 baht fine
15.Anon Numpa*Used audio amplifier without permission in the event of 9th anniversary of Nuamthong Praiwan’s suicidal.Police from Nanglerng
police station
5 Nov 2015 200 baht fine.
16.Sirawith*Participated in post-it attaching activity demanding for the release of 8 detaineesPolice from Thungmahamek
police station
1 May 20161,000 baht fine
17.ThitareeParticipated in post-it attaching activity demanding for the release of 8 detaineesPolice from Thungmahamek 
police station
1 May 2016Court dismissed the case
18.ChontichaUsed audio amplifier without permission in the event ‘Anything for Pai’ on BTS skywalkPolice from Lumpini police station18 Jan 2017100 baht fine
19-20.Pakorn, ApisitUsed audio amplifier without permission in the event for Pai DaodinPolice from Lumpini police station29 Jan 2017300 baht fine 


List of individuals charged with
defying NCPO announcement No.41/2557 (Failing to report to NCPO)

No.Case nameCause of accusationCourtDate of arrestCurrent status
1.Chaturon Chaisang*Failing to report under  order no.1/2557 Bangkok Military
27 May 2014Got bail with 400,000 baht
Failing to report under order no.3/2557 Dusit Kwang
5 Jun 2014Court of Appeal sentenced for 2 months in prison and 3,000 baht fine. Prison sentence suspended
3.YeamyodFailing to report under order no.14/2557 Bangkok Military
9 Jun 2014Sentenced for 6 months in prison and 10,000 baht fine. Prison sentence suspended
(Tom Dundee) 
Failing to report under order no.53/2557 Bangkok Military
9 Jun 2014Sentenced for 6 months in prison and 10,000 baht fine. Prison sentence suspended
5.SamranFailing to report under order no.14/2557 Bangkok Military
11 Jun 2014Sentenced for 6 months in prison and 10,000 baht. Prison sentence 
6.Jittra CotchadetFailing to report under order no.44/2557 Bangkok Military
13 June 2014Court dismissed the case
7.Worajet PakeeratFailing to report under order no.5/2557, 57/2557 Bangkok Military
16 June 2014Got bail with 20,000 baht
The case is under trial.
8.SaguanFailing to report under order no.5/2557, 57/2557 Bangkok Military
25 Jun 2014Sentenced for 6 months in prison
and 10,000 baht fine. Prison sentence suspended
9.Sirapop*Failing to report under order no.44/2557 Bangkok Military
25 Jun 2014Sentenced for 8 months in prison and 12,000 baht fine
10.NutFailing to report under order no.5/2557 Dusit Kwang
30 Jun 2014The Court of Appeal ordered 2,000 fine and lifted the prison sentence.
11.Narongsak*Failing to report under order no.43/2557 Bangkok Military
10 Jul 2014Sentenced for 6 months in prison
and 10,000 baht fine. Prison sentence suspended 
12.Pongsak*Failing to report under order no.56/2557  Bangkok Military
30 Dec 2014 Sentenced for 6 months in prison
and 10,000 baht fine. Prison sentence suspended
13.NoiFailing to report under order no.43/2557  Bangkok Military
 Sentenced for 6 months in prison
and 10,000 baht fine. Prison sentence suspended
14.PruetnarinFailing to report under order no.44/2557, 53/2557 Bangkok Military
1 Sep 2017Military prosecutor issued a non-
prosecution order


Other accusations that were file against political actions

No.Case nameOffenseCause of accusationCourtDate of arrestCurrent status
1.Apichat*Assembled cause a breach of peace.
(Section 215, 216)
Participated in anti-coup protest at BACC Bangkok South
Criminal Court
23 May 2014Released.
Public prosecutor 
did not prosecute
under this charge.
Obstruct officials,
destroyed public
property (Section
138, 360)
Sprayed on military Humvee, and flatted the tires during  anti-coup protest at Victory monument Bangkok
Military Court
30 May 2014,
2 Jun 2014
Got bail with 40,000 baht. The case is
under trial.
3.Chainarin*Assembled cause  a breach of peace.
(Section 215, 216)
Holding anti-coup sign of A4 papers and read poems at ParagonBangkok 
Military Court
3 Jun 2014This charge was dismissed.
4.Thanaporn*Defamation of dead person (Section 326, 327)Defaming dead soldiers 
in helicopter crash incident
Criminal Court4 Dec 2014Sentenced to 2 year and 100,000 baht
fine. Prison sentence
5. MaitreeComputer Crimes Act
Section 14
Posted a clip of villagers
negotiating with military officers on Facebook
Chiang Mai 
11 Feb 2015Court dismissed
the case
6.PasProvided shelterProvided shelter for Pongsak who did not report under
NCPO order
Sa Kaeo 
Provincial Court
 Sentenced to 2 years and 100,000 baht fine. Prison sentence
7.NarongComputer Crime ActForwarded mimic song satirizing Gen.PrayuthCriminal Court28 Jan 2016Got bail
8.BencharatDefamation, filed
false report under
Criminal Code Section 172,
173, 174, 181, 328 
Filed complaint against officers for filing false report after authorization
from her client
 28 Jan 2016Released during
investigation process
9.SirikanRefused to comply with official order,
rendering evidences
(Section 142, 368)  
Refused officer to
search her car in front of Bangkok Military Court
 9 Feb 2016Released during
investigation process
10.Watana MuangsukComputer Crime ActCriticized Gen.Pravit, Deputy PMCriminal Court2 Mar 2016Court dismissed the case
recurWatana MuangsukDefying conditions of release under NCPO announcement 39/2557Posted message against draft constitution on Facebook considered as joining political movementBangkok
Military Court
18 Apr 2016Got bail with 80,000 baht
11.Sirawith*Defying conditions of release under NCPO announcement 40/2557Participated in My Dear Election on 14 Feb 2015Bangkok 
Military Court
8 Mar 2016Got bail with 20,000 baht
12.Anon Numpa*Public Assembly Actorganized a symbolic event “Just Standing” demand for the
release of Watana Muangsook
Dusit Municipal
19 Apr 20161,000 baht fine
recurAnon Numpa*Public Assembly Actorganized a symbolic event 
“Just Standing” demand for the 
release of 9 activists
Dusit Municipal
27 Apr 20161,000 baht fine
13-27.Starting Revolution Alliance
for Democracy Party

(15 persons)
Being a member of secret society
(Section 209)
Had a secret meeting to found a Revolution Alliance for
Democracy Party
Military Court
13 Aug 2016
(first arrest)
Got bail with 100,000
baht each



  •  * (Asterisk) after individual names mean the persons who are charged more than one offense. Thereby, the individual names might appear in more than one tables.  
  • The information on this page covers only the progress of cases which we have reliable sources. There could be more cases occured out of our sight.
  • If you have more information, please notify us at [email protected] or leave your contact.
  • It would be a great kindness for handing us to fulfill the database in order to get closer with this situation.  






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