On 27 December 2018, the Songkla Provincial Court read verdict in “the case of Tepha” which related to villagers from Tepha District, Songkla Province, rallied from Tepha District to Mueng District for submitting their letter about opposing against construction of the coal-fired power plant. Therefore, Tepha villagers were prosecuted according to the Public Assembly Act and obstructing authorities.
The Songkhla Provincial Court scheduled witness examination between 13 June and 10 October 2018. As ilaw closely followed the witness examination for both plaintiff and defendant, therefore, it could be summarized from observation and discussion with the defendants as well as villagers from Tepha which consisted of 7 following issues.
1. What charge were the villagers from Tepha prosecuted?
2. Who attacked the police?
‘The third police’ : “during confrontation, there was an unidentified object hitting on his hand, and he had no idea who attacked him. Also, there was a bruise appearing on the right hand which was 1 centimeter in width and 3 centimeters in length. A doctor said that it had to take around 3 days for recovery”
3. A 16 years old protestor was attacked as well.
4. Was the process of criminal investigation not careful enough?
5. The Court did not issue warrant for investigating the political rally.
6. The difficulty to live and to make a movement
Isdares, the defendant No. 5: “….This case affected my career. I had to take leave in order to go to the Court, and I was afraid of being fired or returning my income…”