On 22 May 2014, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) declared the coup d’état, and brought Thailand into the new chapter on suspending access to the social media and suppressing the freedom of expression.
In the same day, the NCPO declared 3 orders relating to the publicity of news and information, and the expression of opinion through the online media, including; the order number 12, 17 and 18, which prescribed the obligation of the internet service provider to do not publicize any massage which is incited, stimulated and anti-the operation of the NCPO.
Has the facebook been blacked?
On 28 May 2014 around 3.45 PM, plenty of facebook users in Thailand could not access their accounts from any internet service providers. It was occurring continually almost 1 hour but finally they could access it as usual.
The NCPO asserted that there was no any order to suspend the facebook. And there should be the order declared before doing the actual suspension. Meanwhile, the Ministry of ICT similarly asserted that there was no suspension of social medias, and the problem occurring on facebook was from the connection failure at the gateway.

The report on the cases of inaccessible websites
1. The website daylimail.co.uk, which is of the news agency from the United Kingdom, has been wholly suspended., We found the massage on the page saying “it has been suspended, according to the order of the Peace and Order Maintaining Command” on 26 May 2014 at 10.25 PM. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked
2. The website Dangdd.com or Internet to Freedom, one of the websites hosting the red-shirt connection, has been wholly suspended. We found the massage on the page saying “it has been suspended, according to the order of the Peace and Order Maintaining Command” on 29 May 2014 at 12.55 AM. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
3. The website www.hrw.org/asia/thailand, or Human Right Watch Thailand, has been suspended at only the page reporting the situation in Thailand. The massage of suspension has been found on 29 May 2014 at 4.35 PM. There was the report said that it was suspended after the martial law has been declared before the coup d’état. The massage on the page said “The ministry of ICT declared the order to suspend the website you find…” The report said that there was the content about anti-the coup d’état.
4. The website www.midnightuniv.org, or The Midnight University, an academic website that publishes works from progressive lecturer, has wholly been suspended. We found the massage on the page saying “it has been suspended, according to the order of the Peace and Order Maintaining Command” on 29 May 2014 at 3.30 PM. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
5. The website www.prachatai.com, the site hosting the news of the civil society, has wholly been suspended. We found the massage on the page saying “it has been suspended, according to the order of the Peace and Order Maintaining Command” on 28 May 2014 at 10.05 PM. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
6. The website in.reuters.com, international news of the United Kingdom, has been suspended at only one topic. We found the massage on the page saying “it has been suspended, according to the order of the Peace and Order Maintaining Command” on 30 May 2014 at 4.35 PM. The content supposed to be blocked was the report claiming that the NCPO did blocking the facebook in Thailand.
7. The website standard.co.uk, the site of news agency of the United Kingdom, has been suspended at only one topic. We found the massage on the page saying “The ministry of ICT declared the order to suspend the website you find…” on 30 May 2014 at 1.57 PM. The content that was blocked supposed to be the link, which could be understood from seeing the headline that it is about the Crown Prince.
8. The website Thaienews.blogspot.com, the site of red-shirt’s news, has wholly been suspended. We found the massage on the page saying “the access to this content has been suspended by the ministry of ICT…” on 29 May 2014 at 7.55 PM. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
9. The website uddtoday.net, the site relating to the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), has wholly been suspended. We found the massage on the page saying “it has been suspended, according to the order of the Peace and Order Maintaining Command” on 30 May 2014 at 1.35 PM. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
10. The website www.prachatham.com, the site of local news agency in Chiang Mai, has wholly been suspended. We found the massage on the page saying “This account has been suspended. Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources” on 31 May 2014 at 12.14 AM. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked. However, the working team of the website supposed that it was the result of publicizing an article criticizing the middle-class.
11. The website http://www.enlightened-jurists.com/, the site of Enlighten Jurists; the group of Thai academics from the faculty of law at Thammasat University, has wholly been suspended., we found the massage on the page saying “it has been suspended, according to the order of the Peace and Order Maintaining Command” on 2 June 2014 at 1.10 PM. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
12. The websites for watching movies online has wholly been suspended. (We supposed that it has been suspended because there was the content relating to the movie named The Hunger Games.)
- We found the massage of suspension of the website http://www.freemovie-hd.com on 3 June 2014 at 3.33 PM. The massage on the page said “sorry for an inconvenience, the page you are trying to visit has been suspended according to the order of the ministry of ICT. Any further information, please contact the ministry of ICT” 120 Moo. 3, floor 6, Goverment Complex Commemorating His Majesty the Kings 80th Birthday Changwattana Road, Laksi, Bangkok10210 Tel. 02-141-6950″.
- We found the massage of suspension of the website http://www.jomvphd.com on 3 June 2014 at 3.44 PM. The massage on the page said “sorry for an inconvenience, the page you are trying to visit has been suspended according to the order of the ministry of ICT. Any further information, please contact the ministry of ICT” 120 Moo. 3, floor 6, Goverment Complex Commemorating His Majesty the Kings 80th Birthday Changwattana Road, Laksi, Bangkok10210 Tel. 02-141-6950″.
- We found the massage of suspension of the website http://www.mini-hd.com on 3 June 2014 at 3.47 PM. The massage on the page said “This website hosts inappropriate content and information. It has been suspended by the ministry of ICT”.
- We found the massage of suspension of the website http://www.mampost.com on 3 June 2014 at 3.58 PM. The massage on the page said “This website hosts inappropriate content and information. It has been suspended by the ministry of ICT”.
- We found the massage of suspension of the website www2.siam-movie.com on 3 June 2014 at 4.04 PM. The massage on the page said “This website hosts inappropriate content and information. It has been suspended by the ministry of ICT”.
13. The website http://uddred.blogspot.com is about the UDD. We found on 13 June 2014 around 4.41 PM, it appeared that “this website hosts inappropriate content and information. It has been suspended by the ministry of ICT”. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.”
14. The website TNEWS, only at the topic “the flagrant picture when the soldiers arbitrarily sought out through the houses of Dr. Weng and of Thida, after they were held up to the car”. We found it, on 13 June 2014 around 5.42 PM, appearing that “it has been suspended according to the NCPO’s order”. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.”
15. The website Phra Nakorn Sarn http://www.phranakornsarn.com was suspended at the whole site. We found it, on 14 June 2014, appearing that “This website hosts the inappropriate content and information. It has been suspended by the ministry of ICT”. After that around 11.00 PM, we found that it could be accessed. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
16. The website about the sports has been suspended at the whole site. We supposed that it is related to gambling.
- The website www.livescore.com, which reports the soccer scores, has been suspended at the whole site. We found it, on 13 June 2014, appearing that “sorry for inconvenience. This access has been suspended by the central investigation bureau, royal Thai police and the ministry of ICT”. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
- The website about soccer news www.soccersuck.com has been suspended at the whole site. We found it, on 15 June 2014 around 11.30 AM, appearing that “sorry for inconvenience, this access has been suspended by the central investigation bureau, royal Thai police and the ministry of ICT”. We supposed that they want to suspend the content relating to the gambling.
- The website about tennis, www.atpworldtour.com, has been suspended at the whole site. We found it, on 17 June 2014 around 8.41 PM, appearing that “sorry for inconvenience, this access has been suspended by the central investigation bureau, royal Thai police and the ministry of ICT” After that, on 19 June 2014 around 5.15 PM, we found that it could be accessed.
17. The website of the turn left group, turnleftthai.blogspot.com, has been suspended at the whole site. We found it, on 19 June 2014 around 5.48 PM, appearing that “this site hosts the inappropriate content and information. It has been suspended by the ministry of ICT”. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
18. The website thai-energy.-blogspot.com, which demands Thai-energy and is called “Whose is Thai-energy?” has been suspended at the whole site. We found it, on 19 June 2014 around 9.00 PM, appearing that “this website hosts the inappropriate content and information. It has been suspended by the ministry of ICT”. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
19. The website Rungsira Serichon Khonthai rungsira.blogspot.com/ has been suspended at the whole site. We found it, on 2 July 2014 at 12.35 PM, appearing that “this website hosts the inappropriate content and information. It has been suspended by the ministry of ICT”. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked.
The report on the cases of inaccessible social media online
1. The facebook account of Sombat Boon-ngam-anong or Bor Kor Lai Jud has been suspended, a red shirt prominent activist. He himself reported that he could not access to his account on 29 May 2014 at 12.35 AM. And the facebook said “Sorry, this page isn’t available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.” Afterwards, on 30 May 2014 at the afternoon, his facebook account could be accessed and used as usual. It was not really confirmed that it happened according to the NCPO’s order or his deactivation on his account.
2. The facebook page named “League of Liberal Thammasat for Democracy (LLTD)”, a group of pro-democracy student activists from Thammasat University, could not be accessed. We found the massage on the page saying “it has been suspended, according to the order of the Peace and Order Maintaining Command” on 31 May 2014 at 1.45 PM. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked. However, it still could be accessed through the HTTPS code.
3. The facebook page named “No coup Thailand” could not be accessed. We found the massage on the page saying “it has been suspended, according to the order of the Peace and Order Maintaining Command” on 31 May 2014 at 1.55 PM. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked. However, it still could be accessed through the HTTPS code.
Youtube “Resurgent Truth#1”, which was posted by the username “resurgent truth Thailand” on 24 June 2014, could not be accessed. We found it, on 26 June 2014 at 4.50 PM, appearing that “this website hosts the inappropriate content and information. It has been suspended by the ministry of ICT”. Do not obviously know which content is to be blocked. However, it could be accessed through the HTTPS code.
Meanwhile, the amount of suspended websites calmed by the ministry of ICT is larger than this. But there was no revelation on which suspended URLs. It only revealed that those websites hosted inappropriate and insulting contents. And the contents are harmful to security of the nation according to the order of NCPO.
If you find whichever inaccessible online media in Thailand after the 22 May 2014 coup d’état, you can inform us to process collecting data. Through recording the following items, you can provide us; (1) inaccessible URLs (2) The date and elaborate time (3) ISP brand you are using (True/TOT/DTAC/AIS/3BB, etc.) (4) Browser you are using (IE/Firefox/Chrome/Safari, etc.)
Then, please submit the information to this email address tlhr2014@gmail.com or send into inbox massage of the facebook page “Thai Lawyers for Human Rights”