April 2015: Section 44 enforced after the car bomb incident at Samui Island and the invitation public figures for at talk from the Center for Reconciliation and Reform (CRR)

Please note that most of the reference link apart from iLaw’s database were all in Thai 


22 May 2014 – 31 April 2015

Only in April 2015

Number of individuals summoned



Number of individuals arrested



Arrests at peaceful demonstrations



Number of individuals facing criminal prosecution after summoned/arrested



Before the military court



Before the civilian court



Individuals under investigation for lese majeste crime (section 112)



Note: The numbers above are as much as iLaw is able to collect and verify. There could be more people being arrested/prosecuted and are not documented here.  

More than 20 students were arrested, accused of the bombing case in Narathiwat Province     

2 April 2015, Free Voice reported that at 05.00 am. Narathiwat Province Police and Police from Southern Border Provinces Police Operation Center surrounded and reached student activists’ houses at 4 areas in the City of Narathiwat Province. They arrested suspects for the bombing incident in Narathiwat Province in February. All 22 suspects, who were young and activist students in Narathiwat Province, were taken to many military camps, such as 3rd Infantry Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment, Fort Kromluang Narathiwat Rajanagarindra (Fort Pi Leng), 46th Ranger Regiment Task Force (Fort Boo Kae Ton Yong) and Fort Chulabhorn.

3 April 2015, students from the Federation of Patanian Student and Youth made a statement demanding the release of their friends and visited the detained students.

After that the Army gradually released the detainees. Until 30 April 2015 there were at least 3 students being held up.

While being surrounded and searched, there was no accusation explained to the suspects and it was an arrest without any warrant. The Army seized the suspects’ belongings; mobile phones, laptop computer, clothing, cars and motorcycles. No religious practices were allowed. The suspects’ DNAs were tested. 

Recently-enforced Section 44 arrested M, a Red Shirt in Nonthaburi province, a suspect for the car bomb incident at Central Festival Samui, after posting a Facebook status 

11 April 2015, after the explosion at the basement of Central Festival Samui Department Store, Surat Thani Province, Lt. Chayawat Srikul, Chief of Control Unit, 5th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion informed INN News that the Army personnel arrested Narin or M the Red Shirt, a United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) member at a workers’ camp in front of Sala Klang Municipality, Bang Kruai District, Nonthaburi Province. The suspect posted a status on Facebook about the bombing incident. The Army personnel sent Narin to be questioned at Royal Thai Army Headquarters.

17 April 2015, Manager Online reported that Col. Winchai Suwaree, Spokesman of National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) informed that the investigating team had released Narin without any accusation, because the detention period for 7 days was due, and there was no evidence related to the incident.    

Besides Narin, there were at least 6 other suspects arrested and accused of being related to the bombing incident. There were 3 Central Festival Samui security guards. All were released on 17 April 2015 too after 7 days according to Section 44. And there were 3 more suspects in Pattani Province. 

Isra News Agency was confirmed by Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) that Abdullahsa Dumeede, a Yaha Subdistrict Administration Organization driver, Yaha District, Yala Province, Sabeedee Sababing, a temporary school teacher in Yarang District, Pattani Province, and Abdulroning were all arrested at their houses on Paknam Rd., Sabarang Sub-District, Pattani Municipality. 

Article 112 Cases: the Court of Appeals sentenced a seller of the book “The Devil’s Discus” and the arrests of false claim suspects have been continuously increasing

22 April 2015, at the Bangkok South Criminal Court, the Court of Appeals overturned the Court of First Instance’s judgment. The Court of Appeals sentenced “Piphob”, a bookseller “The Devil’s Discus”, to 3 years imprisonment. However, the defendant’s adduction was useful. The Court reduced one thirds of the sentence to 2 years imprisonment, without the suspension of the sentence because the Court believed that the defendant knew the book’s content. 

After the judgment was announced, the defendant’s lawyer applied for the provisional release to the Court with 300,000 Baht in cash. However, The Court passed the application on to the Supreme Court to be the decision maker. The defendant was sent and detained at Bangkok Remand Prison while waiting for the Supreme Court’s decision. Two days later the Supreme Court granted the provisional release with 500,000 Baht in cash.   

24 April 2015, 36th Ranger Regiment Task Force personnel, Police and the Administration from Mae Hong Son Province joined forces and arrested Thamrongsak, who was accused of posting a message, deemed defaming the King, as well as challenging the Army to come and arrest him.

Since the Coup, at least 45 defendants were charged with Article 112 of the Criminal Code because of exercising their rights to freedom of expression. 

In case of Samak’s lèse majesté case, on 9 April 2015, Chiang Rai Military District Court scheduled for hearing the plaintiff’s witness. But the witness, who was the defendant’s Village Headman, did not turn up. The Court rescheduled another hearing on 8 May 2015.

False claim case: Officials announced the arrests of Sirapob or Chief of Staff Ra (CoS Ra), Sompob, and Pongsapak under the Bangkok Military Court arrest warrant. The three were accused of being a group of arrogating, dressing up as military personnel, extorting money from foreign laborers and motorcycle taxi services. Moreover they were accused of arrogating to themselves being King’s Guard Regiment personnel, which deemed defaming the King. 

Since the coup, at least 30 defendants were charged with Article 112 of the Criminal Code because of false claim to get benefits from the royal institution. 

Prachachat online reported that Pol.Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang, Commissioner-General and Deputy Commissioner-General announced the Royal Thai Police’s overall results during the last 6 months. The important duty for internal security operations is to protect and uphold the royal institution. The Royal Thai Police has closed more than 25,000 websites and URLs with contents defaming the royal institution. There are altogether 443 Lèse-majesté cases, of which 128 cases are being investigated with accelerated procedures.  

Section 116 (Sedition) Case, Prosecutor didn’t file charge against “My Dear Election” Case

2 April 2015, the Court has scheduled to hear the plaintiff’s witness according to Sombat Boonngamanong’s Section 116 Case, continued after 13 March 2015’s hearing. The witness was Mathasit Pimapirittiya. The defendant’s lawyer had to cross-examine the witness. The Court would reschedule another hearing.

22 April 2015, the Military Court scheduled to hear the military prosecutor’s order to file charge against 4 defendants from Resistant Citizen group after “My Dear Election” activity. But the prosecutor had to examine 4 witnesses. The prosecutor therefore postponed filing the charge to 14 May 2015.           

23 April 2015, at the Bangkok Criminal Court, the prosecutor filed charge against Phuttipong case for defaming the president of the Supreme Administrative Court. The Court considered the case and Puthipong was detained at the Court’s basement while waiting for provisional release permission. Later on about 3.00 pm, the Court granted the release with 100,000 Baht in cash. The Court scheduled for reconciliation hearing on 14 May 2015.

TV Station Closed Down – an Invitation public figures for a talk by the Center for Reconciliation and Reform 

27 April 2015, Matichon Online reported that National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) reached the resolution for Peace TV’s broadcasting. The content was unlawful. The reason for broadcasting being terminated was because that many programs had been related to the Nation’s political crisis.

The order was issued to suspend the TV station for 7 days, from 10 April 2015 and to resume broadcasting on 17 April 2015. The TV Station has resumed broadcasting as usual.      

A journalist reported that NBTC Committee headed by Col. Dr. Natee Sukonrat, Chairman of NBC, reached the resolution to revoke the operating license of Peace TV. The reasons for this was due to many programs were involved with Nation’s political crisis. 

29 April 2015, T News reported, according to Peace TV’s Facebook Fan Page, that the Army and the Police personnel searched Peace TV during nighttime. They referred to having received order to search, and order to stop Peace TV Special program, which Gen. Chavalit Yongchaiyudh was the guest. During the program Gen. Chavalit Yongchaiyudh was worried that the situation in Southern Border Provinces would intensify the separation.      

The personnel searched the studio and other rooms to confirm that Gen. Chavalit Yongchaiyudh wasn’t present and that there was no political gathering. At the time, the program was a rerun, which was aired in the morning of 29 April 2015. This occurred after the NBTC Committee reached the resolution to revoke the operating license because of the violations of the announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).       

Prior to this on 30 March 2015, in the NBC Committee meeting, the resolution was approved by 4 votes to 1 in order to suspend Peace TV Satellite Television’s operating license and TV 24 Satellite Television’s operating license for 7 days, after some programs contained provoked and agitated materials, which were against the announcement of the NCPO No. 97 and 103. Therefore the NCPO Committee sent information to the NBTC to consider suspending the broadcasting and to inform satellite networks.       

In the meantime, National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) invited Blue Sky Channel Co., Ltd. to explain to the Subcommittee for Schedule and Content on 27 April 2015. They stated that the contents of Fah Wan Mai TV Station programs, Thon Pit program, aired on 15 March 2015, Fah Yam Yen news program, aired on 17 and 20 March 2015, and Wi Kroh Columnist, aired 3 April 2015, were accused of presenting information that could create confusion and division in the society. This was against the announcement of the NCPO No. 97/2014 and 103/2014 as well.

Public activities have continuously interfered. On 8 April 2015,  ‘Villagers’ Children’s Group’ (Luk Chaoban), Burapha University, posted on the Group’s Facebook that at about 12.23 pm, the Army and the Police personnel inspected the Group’s seminar titled “Why should public universities be autonomous”. The personnel took 2 students, who were attendees, for questioning and released them later on.         

9 April 2015, the Army personnel prohibited the Relatives of 10 April Group from a merit-making ceremony. The Group decided to cancel the event. The Head of the Group said “This year I can only light incense sticks and tell my child”.     

11 April 2015, Matichon Online reported that at 16.00 pm, Thammasat University, Tha Prachan Campus, held an activity “Elderly asks for forgiveness, water-pouring ceremony and asks a blessing from youth”, at Pridi Phanomyong Monument. The activity was led by Dr. Charnvit Kasetsiri, a former Rector of Thammasat University. The Chief of Security Guards informed that there was a University order to refrain from using the University’s area to hold any activity. The Chief also stated that the NCPO had instructed explicitly that this activity had hidden intention.      

24 April 2015, Matichon Online reported that Bangsaen Rama 2015 Film Festival, which had been organised by students from the Department of Films and Television, Burapha University, was initially set for 23 – 24 April. But the organisers decided to cancel everything because the Army personnel saw the advertising posters. Then the military contacted the Department and the faculty advisors to inform them that this event hadn’t been approved by the Army personnel and the Provincial Cultural Office. The Army also asked not to show “Fah Tam Pandin Soong” (Boundary), a documentary film about Preah Vihear’s issues, because it could affect security.             

21 April 2015, Prachatai reported that it was informed by Sriprai Nontri, the assistant manager of Heroes of Democracy Foundation that at 12.25 pm, Pol.Lt.Col. Pisit Premprik, and Deputy District Chief of Pak Kret District led 11 Army and Police personnel to the Foundation. They informed the Foundation about the opening ceremony of the meeting room “Loong Nuamthong Paiwan” on Sunday 26 April. They asked the Foundation to postpone the event, and should ask for officials’ permission.        

26 April 2015, League of Liberal Thammasat for Democracy (LLTD) made a statement about the cancellation of the public seminar titled “Field Marshal Sarit and the Legacies from Development Era”. Thammasat University Student Union (TUSU) and LLTD canceled this seminar because on 24 April 2015 the officials asked to change the theme and the discussion topics, or no permission would be granted. The organisers had to cancel the activity finally. 

At least 64 public activities have been barred and interfered since the Coup. 

Summons has continued. 22 April 2015, The Center for Reconciliation and Reform invited many legal academics for rights and social activists such as Pichit Likitkijsomboon, Lecturer from the Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, Phairoj Pholphet, Law Reform Committee, Yaowalak Anupan, a lawyer from Thai Lawyer for Human Rights (TLHR), Pongkwan Sawasdipakdi, Lecturer from the Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University, and many lawyers who have filed a petition against exercising the Interim Constitution’s Section 44. This was to discuss the solutions for conflict, on 23 April 2015 at Thai Army Club, Vibhavadi Rangsit Road. 








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